It is impossible to name the exact cost of treating a patient for alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, or other dependencies since the final cost depends on the severity of the condition, the duration of the stay at the medical center, rehabilitation, etc. On average, the payment starts from thousands dollars per day of stay in the facility, plus the same amount for each individual procedure. At NEW LIFE USA, recovery from these conditions takes 20 months, and the treatment is free. However, there is a condition. President and founder of the Center, Sergey Matevosyan, shared the details with us.
The “New Life” program is a long-term, 20-month program consisting of four stages, during which the participant overcomes chemical dependency, restores their physical condition, changes harmful habits, begins emotional and moral recovery, adapts to a healthy lifestyle, acquires basic life and professional skills, develops work and leadership qualities, and prepares for reintegration into society and rebuilding damaged relationships. This is achieved through free rehabilitation centers in Missouri and Nevada.
“I’ll quit when I want to.”
Despite the evident and free assistance provided by the Center, convincing a person with addictions to begin treatment can be extremely difficult unless they reach their own personal “rock bottom.” Addicts, whether suffering from drug or alcohol dependency, often do not consider themselves seriously ill. They believe they can easily stop using psychoactive substances and break harmful habits at will, especially during the initial “honeymoon phase,” as Sergey describes it, the phase of “rose-colored glasses.” However, reaching “rock bottom” is akin to putting on the “black glasses.”
For someone with a long history of addiction, a strong physical and psychological dependency develops. For example, a drug addict’s body builds tolerance to substances, creating a constant need for new doses, often accompanied by body aches, vomiting, headaches, and tachycardia. This forms a vicious cycle that the dependent person cannot break on their own. This is where relatives, especially parents, need to step in. And their help must be the right kind—not through persuasion or enabling harmful habits.
“A drug addict needs to understand they are being given strict conditions. You know, it’s a bit of a rough example, but a good one,” says Matevosyan. “It’s like when wolves are driven into a direction with red flags —they run as guided. It’s the same here; only conditions that cannot be ignored work. If the person refuses treatment, social pressure is applied: sponsorship stops. That means living off someone else’s resources is no longer an option; they must pay for their drugs, X-rays, and food themselves.”
You chose this path yourself.
Typically, people with addictions also face legal issues, problems with those around them, lost documents, and so on. Many of these problems can be resolved at the Center, but relatives must understand what true help is. “Most often, their ‘loved one’ is using drugs, stealing, and they’re still fed, treated, and bailed out of jail,” summarizes Sergey Matevosyan. “We turn the hourglass and say that if they refuse to go and address their issues, you simply cut off sponsorship. You stop participating in their slow suicide and madness. Either they go and change their life through a revolutionary program, or they’re on their own. Live by yourself, this is the path you chose, so take care of yourself.” Only through joint efforts can good results be achieved.
Note: NEW LIFE USA is a non-profit corporation that provides a free rehabilitation program for addiction (with a primary focus on drug addiction). The ministry is international, religious, and non-denominational. The mission of “New Life” is to fight against drug addiction, serve those in need, and expand its ministry to give more people the opportunity to start a new life through free rehabilitation centers in Missouri and Nevada.