In the modern world, many factors influence the formation of addictions: various temptations, stressful situations, the desire to escape problems, rebellion, not the best heredity, and many others. Addictions destroy personality, nullify social connections, and hinder professional activities. We learned about the types of addictions and how to start fighting them from Sergey Matevosyan, President and Founder of the NEW LIFE USA Center

In the Grip of Their Passions
Addiction is a scientific term characterizing dependence. It is a pathological condition where a person cannot control their behavior. The object of attraction becomes the meaning of life, gradually replacing everything else: family, work, hobbies. Over time, all adequate surroundings disappear or are replaced by similarly “tired of life” people.
The variety of addictions is enormous: alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, shopping addiction, food addiction, internet addiction, and others.
Medicine identifies the following addictions:
– Chemical – determined using various chemical substances. This includes alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, and substance abuse.
– Food (or biochemical) – caused by eating disorders. Excessive consumption of sweets, flour products, and frequent snacks at the initial stages lead to severe disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.
– Non-chemical, often referred to as the addiction of modernity. This includes workaholism, shopping addiction, sports addiction, internet addiction, selfie addiction, TV addiction, and others.
Addiction develops due to poor family relationships; loneliness; curiosity; lack of willpower; heredity, and more. Typically, the situation worsens because these factors intersect, all aimed at escaping reality by altering consciousness. Thus, a person becomes accustomed to a specific behavioral program, which eventually becomes entrenched at the level of the central nervous system.
Not All People Are Alcoholics and Drug Addicts, But All Alcoholics and Drug Addicts Are People
Treating such a condition is a complex process. “Addiction is a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual problem. Bio – the physical condition of a person. Psycho – the mental state, mind, emotions, character, habits, values. Socio – the social environment of a person (family, work, Church, law, law enforcement agencies, etc.). Spiritual – higher values, faith, spiritual principles.” – says Sergey Matevosyan. “Treating only one of these, for example, ‘bio’, as doctors often do, is useless: the body is detoxified, but the other three components are not addressed. Therefore, almost 100% of patients return to using chemical substances. In state clinics worldwide, it is considered a great success if 3 to 5% of people who have undergone such a medical program do not use drugs for one year.”
Only comprehensive treatment can help. Any type of addiction can and should be fought. Usually, it is difficult for a person to cope with it alone; there is not enough willpower. The path to recovery is long and difficult, but it is the only way to regain control over one’s life, find happiness, and build harmonious relationships. “How can you cure lies with pills or laziness? Such medications do not exist. This requires an impact on the psychosphere, on the soul, on thoughts, values, habits, lifestyle,” says Matevosyan. “All this is subject to change.”

Can This Be Proud?
According to the specialist, treatment depends on the person and the conditions they find themselves in, so it is impossible to say which addictions are easier to fight. For example, drugs are mostly illegal, which is an obvious evil agreed upon by at least 90% of the population. With alcoholics, everything is different; alcohol is legal everywhere, it is not particularly condemned, and people who drink rarely turn to crime. A lover of alcoholic beverages can work until they are fired from one, two, or three jobs, and this can be a rather lengthy process.
Therefore, drug addicts sink faster and realize their problem more quickly. Drugs are harsher, and the lifespan of those addicted to them is shorter. Drug addicts come to understand much faster that life is rapidly going downhill. An alcoholic needs a whole year to explain that they have problems; they will still resist. “In our community, there is such a concept as alcoholic pride. That is, alcoholics despise drug addicts, consider them a lower caste, so it is much harder to work with them,” says Sergey. “But this is not the only problem; often our patients are ‘narcoholics’. That is, they use one substance, then catch up with another, then switch from the first to the second. And this is such a mix of chemical dependence.”
Recognize the Problem and Set on the Path to Healing
The main obstacle in treating addictions arises at the initial stage: a person must recognize their illness and accept the need to fight it. The patient must show determination and strength of spirit for positive changes to occur. Family and environment support is also important, which, unfortunately, is not always possible. This is where centers come in, providing not only the necessary treatment but also creating the right environment that prevents harmful habits from overcoming the desire to return to a normal life.
NEW LIFE USA is a non-profit corporation that runs a free addiction rehabilitation program (primarily focused on drug addiction). The ministry is international, religious, and non-denominational. The mission of “New Life” is to fight for the eradication of drug addiction, serve people in need, and expand the ministry to give more people the opportunity to start a new life through free rehabilitation centers in Missouri and Nevada.