Are you looking for a math program that will truly develop your child’s mind, teach them to think logically, and not fear challenging tasks? Let us introduce you to Fibo Math School

Fibo Math School meets the expectations of students, teachers, and parents, as it offers a comprehensive solution that integrates various elements to create an exciting and unique learning experience for all participants.

Solving Problems and Challenges

Issues with learning mathematics at school are a phenomenon that exists worldwide. For instance, according to the United States Department of Education, 74% of American schoolchildren struggle with this subject. There are many reasons: children are distracted by various gadgets, they find it hard to focus on subjects that require a little more effort, and there’s a lack of motivation caused by anxiety that math is always difficult, and so on. With the right approach to the educational process, these difficulties can be easily overcome. One option is to give your child the opportunity to study at a good math school.

Why Choose Fibo Math School?

  • Fibo is a comprehensive, universal educational tool designed to build a strong mathematical foundation and support students with experienced teachers.
  • The curriculum combines strict traditional methods with modern, engaging approaches, including advanced elements of the American curriculum. The focus is on developing logical thinking and problem-solving skills, not just memorization.
  • Personalized learning with individual lessons or small groups of just two students, led by experienced mathematicians.
  • Our prices will pleasantly surprise you: a class of two children for 60 minutes costs $22 per child, and individual lessons (one child and one teacher) cost $30.
  • Teachers are fluent in both Russian and English.
  • Interactive learning with guided instructions, controlled practice, puzzles, and special games.
  • Access to over 30,000+ math problems and more than 60,000 homework assignments. A special platform with video lessons and real-time progress monitoring.

Main Advantages of Fibo Math School as Highlighted by Parents

  • The program offers three levels of difficulty plus a separate Olympiad math course for advanced students. When the teacher begins the lesson, they see the student’s level on the monitor, and as the material is covered, if the student handles the tasks at that level, the subject becomes more complex.
  • The unique needs of each student are considered, and the ideal teacher is selected to ensure individualized and paced learning. Before enrolling, children take a test, and all missed or unlearned topics are thoroughly worked on (fractions, multiplication, etc.). Fibo adapts to the needs of each student, including unique, non-standard tasks that promote critical thinking development.
  • You can switch teachers during the learning process if any psychological mismatches arise.
  • You can enroll on any day and adjust the learning to the required date. For example, if in November, parents discover gaps in knowledge, by May, the child is ready for exams.
  • Learning at Fibo can serve as an alternative to school-based math education. Choosing, for instance, homeschooling, with just two math lessons a week, students can grasp the curriculum well. You can also come for extra knowledge, whether from a public or private school.
  • 24/7 support: anytime, from any country, you can communicate and resolve all your concerns.
  • This is math education reimagined for modern students, laying a solid foundation for future success.

Visit to start your child’s journey to excellence in mathematics!

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Fibo Math School:

Phone: (818) 740-5700

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