The emergence of new synthetic opioids and the record-scale market for other substances have exacerbated the drug problem worldwide. These are the findings of the 2024 World Drug Report published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Sergei Matevosyan, president and founder of the NEW LIFE USA Center, told us about the tragedies behind the statistics and how people with addictions can avoid becoming part of this grim statistic

Tragedies in the Dry Language of Numbers

In just one year, alcohol use was associated with 2.6 million deaths, accounting for 4.7 percent of all mortality, and 600,000 deaths were linked to the use of psychoactive substances, according to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Over the past 10 years, the number of drug users globally has increased by 20% to 292 million in 2022. In the U.S., due to illegal fentanyl, the number of drug overdose deaths has more than doubled in the last decade, according to researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

According to U.S. government estimates, more than 107,000 people died of drug overdoses in the country in 2023, including about 75,000 from synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that substance abuse severely harms people’s health, increases the risk of chronic diseases and mental disorders, and tragically leads to millions of deaths annually.

Addictions have reached epidemic proportions, and U.S. government programs are now focused less on curing patients and more on reducing the risk of death or infection with diseases. Congress allocated $30 million specifically for programs distributing disposable syringes to protect users from diseases like HIV and for fentanyl test strips (which help detect fentanyl in any form of drugs: pills, powder, or injections).

Sergei Matevosyan, who has been helping people overcome destructive

Recovery is Possible

However, it should be noted that recovery is possible when the person recognizes that they need help from outside, as they cannot solve the problem on their own. It’s also important for the patient to understand that by overcoming the disease, they will return to a fulfilling life, because currently, drugs or alcohol have reduced their existence to merely waiting for the next dose.

Family support is crucial, as many people with addictions start struggling from a young age. Sergei Matevosyan, who has been helping people overcome destructive habits for over 30 years, recalls that when he started his work in St. Petersburg, the youngest addict was just 11 years old. Currently, NEW LIFE USA doesn’t have such young patients, as the center only accepts those 18 and older by law. “For those under 18, we can only assist by consulting their parents, but we are not authorized to enroll them in the program, as it must be a specialized facility,” says Matevosyan. Young people are often at the highest risk of falling into addiction, although the oldest patients at NEW LIFE USA have been close to 70.

Avoid Becoming Part of the 10% Who Leave This World

According to Matevosyan, drug addiction and other dependencies are bio-psycho-socio-spiritual problems. Treating just one aspect, for example, only the body, is a temporary solution. That’s why after detoxing patients from drug or alcohol use, nearly 100% relapse. “In state clinics around the world, it’s considered a huge success if 3 to 5% of people who have undergone the medical program remain substance-free for one year. That’s regarded as a big achievement,” says Matevosyan.

Therefore, NEW LIFE USA has a special course that addresses all aspects of life. “We conduct interviews, identify motivations, and carefully explain all the small and large details of our program so that the person understands what they are committing to. We are completely transparent, and we don’t deceive people. Our center is free of charge, so we are upfront about everything. If, after asking questions, the person decides this program is for them, we accept them for a 20-month stay.”

According to the expert, the 20-month duration is essential for a person’s recovery. A “shortened program” is like a child in preschool wanting to go to first grade. There are certain stages of development and maturation that need to be respected.

Unfortunately, no one can guarantee full recovery except the person themselves. The full rehabilitation course helps approximately half of the patients: 50% of them never touch substances again, while 50% return to drugs or other addictions. About 30-35% come back for a second round of rehabilitation. And 10% overdose and are gone forever.

NEW LIFE USA is a non-profit corporation

NEW LIFE USA is a non-profit corporation offering a free rehabilitation program for addictions (with a primary focus on drug addictions). The mission of NEW LIFE is to fight drug addiction, serve those in need, and expand its reach to give more people the opportunity to start a new life through free rehabilitation centers in Missouri and Nevada.