Unmotivated general weakness lasting for months often indicates chronic fatigue syndrome in a patient. We’ve already discussed this condition and those at risk (link). Chief physician and Co-founder of Smart Health Clinic, Zuhra Galimova, tells us about this illness, how to make the right diagnosis, treatment methods, and what can happen if the ailment is ignored and not addressed by specialists

Correct Diagnosis: Exclude Other Illnesses

Diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome is complicated because all symptoms of this condition can also be present in other ailments. Therefore, the results of the patient’s interview using the DePaul questionnaire are considered first to exclude other conditions with similar manifestations. These include hypothyroidism, depression, anemia, migraines, cancer, multiple sclerosis, ischemic heart disease, or immune disorders. Then, after consultation with the attending physician, standard laboratory tests are prescribed. Laboratory diagnostics include: blood analysis and ESR; general urine analysis; iron level in the blood; rheumatoid factor; tumor markers; testosterone analysis; ECG and echocardiography; thyroid hormone levels, and others, depending on the patient’s data.

Treatment: Lifestyle and Thought Correction

Currently, there are no registered drugs specifically for treating chronic fatigue syndrome. However, typically, a physician begins by applying psychotherapy aimed at correcting the patient’s behavior, lifestyle, and thoughts, and devises a program of physical exercises with gradual load increase.

Common recommended treatment methods include:

● Normalizing rest and physical activity regime, diet therapy;

● Physiotherapy procedures (therapeutic exercise, acupuncture, calming massage, hydrotherapy, etc.);

● Sleep disturbances can be regulated through relaxation methods and improving sleep hygiene;

● Drug therapy based on patient examination results:

● Vitamin complexes,

● Daytime tranquilizers, antidepressants, sedatives,

● Homeopathic remedies,

● Anti-inflammatory drugs,

● Enterosorbents,

● Analgesic medications.

It’s important to treat chronic diseases associated with insufficient oxygen supply to the body (e.g., chronic rhinitis or nasal congestion, anemia).

It Won’t Go Away on Its Own

Often people with chronic fatigue syndrome do not seek help from specialists hoping that everything will pass after a long rest. Unfortunately, if this ailment is not treated, complications can occur, leading to very dire consequences:

● Muscle atrophy,

● Severe depression,

● Exacerbation of chronic diseases,

● Neuroses, nervous breakdowns,

● Memory impairments, short-term and long-term amnesia,

● Digestive problems,

● Uncontrollable aggression,

● Cardiovascular diseases,

● Oncological diseases.

But these are only physical-level problems. It should also be noted that feeling unwell, leading to decreased activity, contributes to the development of a sense of inadequacy and leads to social isolation with all its negative consequences.

Reduced quality of life in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome leads to mental disorders, and in severe cases, to suicidal thoughts.

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