The deep and surprising view of how the enteric nervous system in our bellies goes far beyond just processing the food we eat..

Most people – and even some doctors – are unaware of the critical role the microbiome plays in serving as a foundation for lifelong health. For example, did you know:

1. The microbiome begins to develop at the moment you are born, and by the time you reach adolescence, you will have a set of more than 100 trillion microorganisms, living in or on your body.

2. Each person has a unique set of microbes – as a result of where and how you are born, your genes, gender and age, diet and personal hygiene, and even your life experiences.

3. Your microbiome can affect nearly every aspect of your life: mood, stress, energy, sleep, skin, the immune system, and so much more.

4. The gut microbiome can be altered – for better or worse – by the foods we eat, the medicines we take, the amount of sleep we have, and even the environments we live and work in.

As more evidence comes out and our understanding of what goes on in the gut gets deeper, it has become very apparent that the health of our gut, to a pretty huge extent, determines many other aspects of overall health. That is why if you improve the gut, microbiome that can really change your life.

We asked our expert Nadia Shvets, that was voted the best Chiropractor and Nutritionist doctor by Russian Speaking Community to share five handy tips, that can drastically improve your gut health, which is crucial in both physical and mental wellness, so don’t neglect it!

Step #1: Remove toxins

Remove infections (fungal, parasitic, and/or bacterial), inflammatory foods and foods you are allergic or sensitive to, and environmental pollutants. This step is the most important – if you embark upon a gut healing protocol without also removing things that irritate the gut lining, you will never allow your body to heal!

Step #2: Eliminate dairy & gluten

Try eliminating gluten and dairy from your diet for a few weeks and see how you feel. For many people, gluten and dairy irritate the gut lining, so taking them out of the diet can give the gut a chance to heal. Some of my patients, who had autoimmune thyroiditis in less than a day, noticed significant improvements after eliminating gluten and dairy. Also, contrary to popular belief, eating dairy products has never been shown to reduce fracture risk. In fact, according to the Nurses’ Health Study dairy may increase risk of fractures by 50 percent!

Step #3: Probiotics and Prebiotics

Up your intake of fermented products! Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and natural yogurts have been shown to promote the abundance of healthy gut bacteria and reduce the levels of bad bacteria which are linked to gut inflammation. However, some of the patients that I work with have some pretty serious issues going on in their body that causes histamine intolerance and reactions to fermented foods. If you find you do not react well then it is probably best to avoid them momentarily. In these cases, I typically recommend a broad-spectrum probiotic.

Step #4: De-stress for your gut

Reduce your stress. Studies have shown that there is a link between the brain and the gut, called the gut-brain axis, which runs along what’s called the vagus nerve. Emotional stress can result in bowel disturbance and digestion, as the brain releases certain endorphins that can lead to what your mother would have called “butterflies in the tummy”.

Step #5: Try a Paleo diet

The main idea of a Paleo Diet can be summarized in one sentence: If a caveman didn’t eat it, neither should you. Unfortunately, people choose their food based upon taste, cost, convenience, and psychological gratification – thus ignoring the main reason that we eat, which is to provide our body cells the raw material to grow, repair, and fuel our bodies. When you are following the Paleo Diet, you can eat anything we could hunt or gather way back in the day – things like meats, fish, nuts, leafy greens, regional veggies, and seeds. By following this diet, you will improve your gut health, increase your energy, lose weight and reduce inflammation.

A Few Signs Your Gut Isn’t as Healthy as You Think

  • Feeling bloated after you eat
  • Feeling heartburn or acid reflux
  • Not moving bowels (comfortably) 1 – 3 times per day
  • Any type of skin issues (acne, eczema, psoriasis)
  • Experiencing low mood, depression, or anxiety
  • Frequently catching colds
  • Having a thyroid condition
  • Having an autoimmune disease


Apples, Avocados, Ginger, Asparagus, Broccoli, Broccoli, Garlic, Raspberries, Plain yogurt, Sweet potato, Wild salmon

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