How to add a post. Complete guide

1. Log in into your NTM account and go to admin panel

( admin panel URL and log-in data you can find in your email or telegram or request it if you forget or don’t have it)

2. Add a new post

3. Now editor open

The WordPress (WP) editor is quite similar to Tilda, so authors can be familiar and use majority of options seamlessly.

4. Add element of the post

To add an element like divider, Header (h2, h3) gallery, video etc. – click on PLUS button or type /

When you click on the button (+) the pop up menu opens:

Most recent or common elements you can see first, if you need more – click “Browse all” button

5. Post settings

Switch to POST tab on the sidebar

Set date of publication

Choose author here from the dropdown list

If you want to add a new author to this list, see the additional guide below 👇

Assign a category here

Try to not choose more than 1 category. We don’t want to duplicating material couple of times

Add Post Thumbnail

This is an important step. This preview will show in social share previews and on NTM website posts’ listing

Publish your post

when you’re done press the button “Publish”. After this you will see post summary. If there is no warnings you can approve publishing the post.